With regard to the choice of raw materials, Pama has decided to take a stand when it comes to combating waste and to adopting new recycling strategies. Part of the processing is in fact carried out using recycled flock fibres which are recovered and reused in the production process.
Pama’s operational activities have always been characterised by the attention paid to safety and maximum respect for the environment. It is not a coincidence that the production plant is equipped with emission collection and reduction systems, capable of recovering and recycling most of the raw materials used in production.
In order to reduce harmful emissions and the generating of CO2, Pama decided to install a photovoltaic system capable of meeting a large part of its energy requirements. Thanks to this solution it is possible to work using clean and renewable energy and reduce pollution, therefore contributing to the protection of the environment.
To conclude, Pama Srl uses mainly water based adhesives during the flocking processes, minimising the use of solvents as far as possible. This authentic ecological choice soon proved to be a winning formula, also from a commercial point of view, given the growing demand for low environmental impact products.